comment unnecessary code

This commit is contained in:
jrkb 2023-03-29 20:45:09 +02:00
parent 3d1900d9ce
commit bfbf02e49e
2 changed files with 89 additions and 88 deletions

View file

@ -1,80 +1,80 @@
#include "ofxMsdfgen.h"
#include "BitmapRef.hpp"
#include "ofGraphicsConstants.h"
#include "ofPixels.h"
//#include "BitmapRef.hpp"
//#include "ofGraphicsConstants.h"
//#include "ofPixels.h"
bool ofxMsdfgen::generateAtlas(const char * fontFilename){
bool success = false;
// Initialize instance of FreeType library
if(msdfgen::FreetypeHandle * ft = msdfgen::initializeFreetype()){
// Load font file
if(msdfgen::FontHandle * font = msdfgen::loadFont(ft, fontFilename)){
// Storage for glyph geometry and their coordinates in the atlas
std::vector <msdf_atlas::GlyphGeometry> glyphs;
// FontGeometry is a helper class that loads a set of glyphs from a single font.
// It can also be used to get additional font metrics, kerning information, etc.
msdf_atlas::FontGeometry fontGeometry(&glyphs);
// Load a set of character glyphs:
// The second argument can be ignored unless you mix different font sizes in one atlas.
// In the last argument, you can specify a charset other than ASCII.
// To load specific glyph indices, use loadGlyphs instead.
fontGeometry.loadCharset(font, 1.0, msdf_atlas::Charset::ASCII);
// Apply MSDF edge coloring. See edge-coloring.h for other coloring strategies.
const double maxCornerAngle = 3.0;
for(msdf_atlas::GlyphGeometry & glyph : glyphs){
glyph.edgeColoring(&msdfgen::edgeColoringInkTrap, maxCornerAngle, 0);
// TightAtlasPacker class computes the layout of the atlas.
msdf_atlas::TightAtlasPacker packer;
// Set atlas parameters:
// setDimensions or setDimensionsConstraint to find the best value
// setScale for a fixed size or setMinimumScale to use the largest that fits
// setPixelRange or setUnitRange
// Compute atlas layout - pack glyphs
packer.pack(, glyphs.size());
// Get final atlas dimensions
int width = 0, height = 0;
packer.getDimensions(width, height);
// The ImmediateAtlasGenerator class facilitates the generation of the atlas bitmap.
msdf_atlas::ImmediateAtlasGenerator <
float, // pixel type of buffer for individual glyphs depends on generator function
3, // number of atlas color channels
& msdf_atlas::msdfGenerator, // function to generate bitmaps for individual glyphs
msdf_atlas::BitmapAtlasStorage <float, 3> // class that stores the atlas bitmap
// For example, a custom atlas storage class that stores it in VRAM can be used.
> generator(width, height);
// GeneratorAttributes can be modified to change the generator's default settings.
msdf_atlas::GeneratorAttributes attributes;
// Generate atlas bitmap
generator.generate(, glyphs.size());
// The atlas bitmap can now be retrieved via atlasStorage as a BitmapConstRef.
// The glyphs array (or fontGeometry) contains positioning data for typesetting text.
success = submitAtlasBitmapAndLayout((msdfgen::BitmapConstRef <float, 3>)generator.atlasStorage(),
// Cleanup
return success;
//bool ofxMsdfgen::generateAtlas(const char * fontFilename){
//bool success = false;
//// Initialize instance of FreeType library
//if(msdfgen::FreetypeHandle * ft = msdfgen::initializeFreetype()){
//// Load font file
//if(msdfgen::FontHandle * font = msdfgen::loadFont(ft, fontFilename)){
//// Storage for glyph geometry and their coordinates in the atlas
//std::vector <msdf_atlas::GlyphGeometry> glyphs;
//// FontGeometry is a helper class that loads a set of glyphs from a single font.
//// It can also be used to get additional font metrics, kerning information, etc.
//msdf_atlas::FontGeometry fontGeometry(&glyphs);
//// Load a set of character glyphs:
//// The second argument can be ignored unless you mix different font sizes in one atlas.
//// In the last argument, you can specify a charset other than ASCII.
//// To load specific glyph indices, use loadGlyphs instead.
//fontGeometry.loadCharset(font, 1.0, msdf_atlas::Charset::ASCII);
//// Apply MSDF edge coloring. See edge-coloring.h for other coloring strategies.
//const double maxCornerAngle = 3.0;
//for(msdf_atlas::GlyphGeometry & glyph : glyphs){
//glyph.edgeColoring(&msdfgen::edgeColoringInkTrap, maxCornerAngle, 0);
//// TightAtlasPacker class computes the layout of the atlas.
//msdf_atlas::TightAtlasPacker packer;
//// Set atlas parameters:
//// setDimensions or setDimensionsConstraint to find the best value
//// setScale for a fixed size or setMinimumScale to use the largest that fits
//// setPixelRange or setUnitRange
//// Compute atlas layout - pack glyphs
//packer.pack(, glyphs.size());
//// Get final atlas dimensions
//int width = 0, height = 0;
//packer.getDimensions(width, height);
//// The ImmediateAtlasGenerator class facilitates the generation of the atlas bitmap.
//msdf_atlas::ImmediateAtlasGenerator <
//float, // pixel type of buffer for individual glyphs depends on generator function
//3, // number of atlas color channels
//& msdf_atlas::msdfGenerator, // function to generate bitmaps for individual glyphs
//msdf_atlas::BitmapAtlasStorage <float, 3> // class that stores the atlas bitmap
//// For example, a custom atlas storage class that stores it in VRAM can be used.
//> generator(width, height);
//// GeneratorAttributes can be modified to change the generator's default settings.
//msdf_atlas::GeneratorAttributes attributes;
//// Generate atlas bitmap
//generator.generate(, glyphs.size());
//// The atlas bitmap can now be retrieved via atlasStorage as a BitmapConstRef.
//// The glyphs array (or fontGeometry) contains positioning data for typesetting text.
//success = submitAtlasBitmapAndLayout((msdfgen::BitmapConstRef <float, 3>)generator.atlasStorage(),
//// Cleanup
//return success;
bool ofxMsdfgen::submitAtlasBitmapAndLayout(const msdfgen::BitmapConstRef <float, 3> & storage,
const std::vector <msdf_atlas::GlyphGeometry> & glyphs,
const int & width,
const int & height){
const msdfgen::Bitmap <float, 3> bitmap(storage);
ofImage image;
toOfImage(bitmap, image);"atlas.png");
//bool ofxMsdfgen::submitAtlasBitmapAndLayout(const msdfgen::BitmapConstRef <float, 3> & storage,
//const std::vector <msdf_atlas::GlyphGeometry> & glyphs,
//const int & width,
//const int & height){
//const msdfgen::Bitmap <float, 3> bitmap(storage);
//ofImage image;
//toOfImage(bitmap, image);
return true;
//return true;

View file

@ -1,20 +1,21 @@
#pragma once
#include "BitmapAtlasStorage.h"
#include "GlyphGeometry.h"
//#include "BitmapAtlasStorage.h"
//#include "GlyphGeometry.h"
#include "ofMain.h"
#include "freetype2/freetype/freetype.h"
#include <msdf-atlas-gen/msdf-atlas-gen.h>
#include "Atlas.h"
//#include FT_FREETYPE_H
//#include <msdf-atlas-gen/msdf-atlas-gen.h>
#include "conversion.h"
#include "Atlas.h"
namespace ofxMsdfgen {
bool generateAtlas(const char * fontFilename);
//bool generateAtlas(const char * fontFilename);
// doesn't really do anything yet
// just saves the atlas as a png
bool submitAtlasBitmapAndLayout(const msdfgen::BitmapConstRef <float, 3> & storage,
const std::vector <msdf_atlas::GlyphGeometry> & glyphs,
const int & width,
const int & height);
//// doesn't really do anything yet
//// just saves the atlas as a png
//bool submitAtlasBitmapAndLayout(const msdfgen::BitmapConstRef <float, 3> & storage,
//const std::vector <msdf_atlas::GlyphGeometry> & glyphs,
//const int & width,
//const int & height);