ofxProfile ================ OpenFrameworks addon for simple and quick thread safe profiling. Then throw the result in chrome://tracing This addon is practically cut and paste from https://github.com/TheCherno/Hazel/blob/master/Hazel/src/Hazel/Debug/Instrumentor.h ## Usage add ofxProfiler to your application with projectGenerator (or whatever method you prefer) ofApp.h ``` // uncommment to profile // #define OFX_PROFILER 1 #include "ofxProfiler.h" // ... bla bla bla ``` ofApp.cpp ``` //-------------------------------------------------------------- void ofApp::setup() { OFX_PROFILER_BEGIN_SESSION("a test","result.json"); OFX_PROFILER_FUNCTION(); } // end of scope => profile function ends //-------------------------------------------------------------- void ofApp::update() { OFX_PROFILER_FUNCTION(); { OFX_PROFILER_SCOPE("scope 1"); } { OFX_PROFILER_SCOPE("scope 2"); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------- void ofApp::exit() { OFX_PROFILER_END_SESSION(); } ``` when closing the application, you will find a result.json next to the binary open that with chrome://tracing