remove right panel

This commit is contained in:
jrkb 2024-11-21 14:59:26 +01:00
parent 77f30d51d1
commit bae49a2346

View file

@ -1417,65 +1417,6 @@ class ABC3D_OT_CreateFontFromObjects(bpy.types.Operator):
return {'FINISHED'}
class ABC3D_PT_RightPropertiesPanel(bpy.types.Panel):
"""Creates a Panel in the Object properties window"""
bl_label = f"{bl_info['name']}"
bl_idname = "ABC3D_PT_RightPropertiesPanel"
bl_space_type = 'PROPERTIES'
bl_region_type = 'WINDOW'
bl_context = "object"
def poll(self, context):
# only show the panel, if it's a textobject or a glyph
is_text = type(next((t for t in context.scene.abc3d_data.available_texts if t.text_object ==
context.active_object), None)) != type(None)
is_glyph = type(next((t for t in context.scene.abc3d_data.available_texts if t.text_object ==
context.active_object.parent), None)) != type(None)
return is_text or is_glyph
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
scene = context.scene
abc3d_data = scene.abc3d_data
obj = context.active_object
def is_it_text():
return type(next((t for t in context.scene.abc3d_data.available_texts if t.text_object == context.active_object), None)) != type(None)
def is_it_glyph():
return type(next((t for t in context.scene.abc3d_data.available_texts if t.text_object == context.active_object.parent), None)) != type(None)
is_text = is_it_text()
is_glyph = is_it_glyph()
textobject = obj if is_text else obj.parent if is_glyph else obj
available_text = abc3d_data.available_texts[abc3d_data.active_text_index]
# row = layout.row()
# row.label(text="Hello world!", icon='WORLD_DATA')
# row = layout.row()
# row.label(text="Active object is: " +
# row = layout.row()
# row.label(text="text object is: " +
row = layout.row()
row.label(text=f"active text index is: {abc3d_data.active_text_index}")
layout.row().label(text="Text Properties:")
layout.row().prop(available_text, "text")
layout.row().prop(available_text, "letter_spacing")
layout.row().prop(available_text, "font_size")
layout.row().prop(available_text, "offset")
layout.row().prop(available_text, "compensate_curvature")
layout.row().prop(available_text, "ignore_orientation")
layout.column().prop(available_text, "translation")
layout.column().prop(available_text, "orientation")
if is_glyph:
layout.row().label(text="Glyph Properties:")
class ABC3D_OT_Reporter(bpy.types.Operator):
bl_idname = f"{__name__}.reporter"
bl_label = "Report"
@ -1528,7 +1469,6 @@ classes = (