# The space value derives from The Elements of Typographic Style # same for en-/em values. Rest are rough guesses. space 0020 0.25 nbspace 00A0 0.25 # ethi:wordspace 1361 # NOTE: has shape enquad 2000 0.5 emquad 2001 1 enspace 2002 0.5 emspace 2003 1 threeperemspace 2004 3 fourperemspace 2005 4 sixperemspace 2006 6 figurespace 2007 1 punctuationspace 2008 1 thinspace 2009 0.1 hairspace 200A 0.05 zerowidthspace 200B 0 narrownobreakspace 202F 0.1 mediummathematicalspace 205F 1 cntr:space 2420 0.25 ideographicspace 3000 1 # ideographichalffillspace 303F # NOTE: has shape zerowidthnobreakspace FEFF 0