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[@theatre/dataverse](../README.md) / Atom
# Class: Atom<State\>
Wraps an object whose (sub)properties can be individually tracked.
## Type parameters
| Name |
| :------ |
| `State` |
## Implements
- [`PointerToPrismProvider`](../interfaces/PointerToPrismProvider.md)
## Table of contents
### Constructors
- [constructor](Atom.md#constructor)
### Properties
- [\_currentState](Atom.md#_currentstate)
- [\_rootScope](Atom.md#_rootscope)
- [pointer](Atom.md#pointer)
- [prism](Atom.md#prism)
### Methods
- [\_checkUpdates](Atom.md#_checkupdates)
- [\_getIn](Atom.md#_getin)
- [\_getOrCreateScopeForPath](Atom.md#_getorcreatescopeforpath)
- [\_onPointerValueChange](Atom.md#_onpointervaluechange)
- [get](Atom.md#get)
- [getByPointer](Atom.md#getbypointer)
- [pointerToPrism](Atom.md#pointertoprism)
- [reduce](Atom.md#reduce)
- [reduceByPointer](Atom.md#reducebypointer)
- [set](Atom.md#set)
- [setByPointer](Atom.md#setbypointer)
## Constructors
### constructor
• **new Atom**<`State`\>(`initialState`)
#### Type parameters
| Name |
| :------ |
| `State` |
#### Parameters
| Name | Type |
| :------ | :------ |
| `initialState` | `State` |
#### Defined in
## Properties
### \_currentState
• `Private` **\_currentState**: `State`
#### Defined in
### \_rootScope
• `Private` `Readonly` **\_rootScope**: `Scope`
#### Defined in
### pointer
• `Readonly` **pointer**: [`Pointer`](../README.md#pointer)<`State`\>
Convenience property that gives you a pointer to the root of the atom.
Equivalent to `pointer({ root: thisAtom, path: [] })`.
#### Defined in
### prism
• `Readonly` **prism**: [`Prism`](../interfaces/Prism-1.md)<`State`\>
#### Defined in
## Methods
### \_checkUpdates
▸ `Private` **_checkUpdates**(`scope`, `oldState`, `newState`): `void`
#### Parameters
| Name | Type |
| :------ | :------ |
| `scope` | `Scope` |
| `oldState` | `unknown` |
| `newState` | `unknown` |
#### Returns
#### Defined in
### \_getIn
▸ `Private` **_getIn**(`path`): `unknown`
Gets the state of the atom at `path`.
#### Parameters
| Name | Type |
| :------ | :------ |
| `path` | (`string` \| `number`)[] |
#### Returns
#### Defined in
### \_getOrCreateScopeForPath
▸ `Private` **_getOrCreateScopeForPath**(`path`): `Scope`
#### Parameters
| Name | Type |
| :------ | :------ |
| `path` | (`string` \| `number`)[] |
#### Returns
#### Defined in
### \_onPointerValueChange
▸ `Private` **_onPointerValueChange**<`P`\>(`pointer`, `cb`): () => `void`
#### Type parameters
| Name |
| :------ |
| `P` |
#### Parameters
| Name | Type |
| :------ | :------ |
| `pointer` | [`Pointer`](../README.md#pointer)<`P`\> |
| `cb` | (`v`: `P`) => `void` |
#### Returns
▸ (): `void`
##### Returns
#### Defined in
### get
▸ **get**(): `State`
#### Returns
#### Defined in
### getByPointer
▸ **getByPointer**<`S`\>(`pointerOrFn`): `S`
Returns the value at the given pointer
#### Type parameters
| Name |
| :------ |
| `S` |
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `pointerOrFn` | [`Pointer`](../README.md#pointer)<`S`\> \| (`p`: [`Pointer`](../README.md#pointer)<`State`\>) => [`Pointer`](../README.md#pointer)<`S`\> | A pointer to the desired path. Could also be a function returning a pointer Example ```ts const atom = atom({ a: { b: 1 } }) atom.getByPointer(atom.pointer.a.b) // 1 atom.getByPointer((p) => p.a.b) // 1 ``` |
#### Returns
#### Defined in
### pointerToPrism
▸ **pointerToPrism**<`P`\>(`pointer`): [`Prism`](../interfaces/Prism-1.md)<`P`\>
Returns a new prism of the value at the provided path.
#### Type parameters
| Name |
| :------ |
| `P` |
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `pointer` | [`Pointer`](../README.md#pointer)<`P`\> | The path to create the prism at. ```ts const pr = atom({ a: { b: 1 } }).pointerToPrism(atom.pointer.a.b) pr.getValue() // 1 ``` |
#### Returns
#### Implementation of
#### Defined in
### reduce
▸ **reduce**(`fn`): `void`
#### Parameters
| Name | Type |
| :------ | :------ |
| `fn` | (`state`: `State`) => `State` |
#### Returns
#### Defined in
### reduceByPointer
▸ **reduceByPointer**<`S`\>(`pointerOrFn`, `reducer`): `void`
Reduces the value at the given pointer
#### Type parameters
| Name |
| :------ |
| `S` |
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `pointerOrFn` | [`Pointer`](../README.md#pointer)<`S`\> \| (`p`: [`Pointer`](../README.md#pointer)<`State`\>) => [`Pointer`](../README.md#pointer)<`S`\> | A pointer to the desired path. Could also be a function returning a pointer Example ```ts const atom = atom({ a: { b: 1 } }) atom.reduceByPointer(atom.pointer.a.b, (b) => b + 1) // atom.get().a.b === 2 atom.reduceByPointer((p) => p.a.b, (b) => b + 1) // atom.get().a.b === 2 ``` |
| `reducer` | (`s`: `S`) => `S` | - |
#### Returns
#### Defined in
### set
▸ **set**(`newState`): `void`
Sets the state of the atom.
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `newState` | `State` | The new state of the atom. |
#### Returns
#### Defined in
### setByPointer
▸ **setByPointer**<`S`\>(`pointerOrFn`, `val`): `void`
Sets the value at the given pointer
#### Type parameters
| Name |
| :------ |
| `S` |
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `pointerOrFn` | [`Pointer`](../README.md#pointer)<`S`\> \| (`p`: [`Pointer`](../README.md#pointer)<`State`\>) => [`Pointer`](../README.md#pointer)<`S`\> | A pointer to the desired path. Could also be a function returning a pointer Example ```ts const atom = atom({ a: { b: 1 } }) atom.setByPointer(atom.pointer.a.b, 2) // atom.get().a.b === 2 atom.setByPointer((p) => p.a.b, 2) // atom.get().a.b === 2 ``` |
| `val` | `S` | - |
#### Returns
#### Defined in