import {test, expect} from '@playwright/test' import percySnapshot from '@percy/playwright' const isMac = process.platform === 'darwin' const delay = (dur: number) => new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, dur)) test.describe('setting-static-props', () => { test.beforeEach(async ({page}) => { // TODO This is a temporary hack that re-tries navigating to the url in case the server isn't ready yet. // Ideally we should wait running the e2e tests until the server has signalled that it's ready to serve. // For now, let's use this hack, otherwise, the e2e test may _randomly_ break on the CI with "ERRConnectionRefused" const maxRetries = 3 for (let i = 1; i <= maxRetries; i++) { try { await page.goto('http://localhost:8080/tests/setting-static-props') } catch (error) { if (i === maxRetries) { throw error } else { await delay(1000) } } } }) test('Undo/redo', async ({page}) => { // // The div does in fact intercept pointer events, but it is meant to 🤦‍ await page .locator('span:has-text("sample object")') .first() .click({force: true}) const detailPanel = page.locator('[data-testid="DetailPanel-Object"]') const firstInput = detailPanel.locator('input[type="text"]').first() // Click input[type="text"] >> nth=0 await // Fill input[type="text"] >> nth=0 await firstInput.fill('1') // Press Enter await'Enter') const secondInput = detailPanel.locator('input[type="text"]').nth(1) // Click input[type="text"] >> nth=1 await // Fill input[type="text"] >> nth=1 await secondInput.fill('2') // Press Enter await'Enter') const metaKey = isMac ? 'Meta' : 'Control' // Press z with modifiers await page.locator('body').press(`${metaKey}+z`) await expect(firstInput).toHaveAttribute('value', '1') await expect(secondInput).toHaveAttribute('value', '0') await page.locator('body').press(`${metaKey}+Shift+z`) await expect(firstInput).toHaveAttribute('value', '1') await expect(secondInput).toHaveAttribute('value', '2') // Our first visual regression test // @ts-ignore - probably percy uses a different version of playwright await percySnapshot(page,'/') + '/After redo') }) })