// @cspotcode/zx is zx in CommonJS import {$, cd, path, ProcessPromise} from '@cspotcode/zx' import {testServerAndPage} from '../../utils/testUtils' $.verbose = false const PATH_TO_PACKAGE = path.join(__dirname, `./package`) describe(`vite2`, () => { test(`\`$ vite build\` should succeed`, async () => { cd(PATH_TO_PACKAGE) const {exitCode} = await $`npm run build` // at this point, the build should have succeeded expect(exitCode).toEqual(0) }) describe(`vite preview`, () => { function startServerOnPort(port: number): ProcessPromise { cd(PATH_TO_PACKAGE) return $`npm run preview -- --port ${port}` } async function waitTilServerIsReady( process: ProcessPromise, port: number, ): Promise<{ url: string }> { for await (const chunk of process.stdout) { if (chunk.toString().includes('--host')) { // vite's server is running now break } } return {url: `http://localhost:${port}`} } testServerAndPage({startServerOnPort, waitTilServerIsReady}) }) })