import * as path from 'path' import {build} from 'esbuild' import type {Plugin} from 'esbuild' const externalPlugin = (patterns: RegExp[]): Plugin => { return { name: `external`, setup(build) { build.onResolve({filter: /.*/}, (args) => { const external = patterns.some((p) => { return p.test(args.path) }) if (external) { return {path: args.path, external} } }) }, } } const definedGlobals = { global: 'window', } async function createBundles(watch: boolean) { const pathToPackage = path.join(__dirname, '../') const pkgJson = require(path.join(pathToPackage, 'package.json')) const listOfDependencies = Object.keys(pkgJson.dependencies || {}) const listOfPeerDependencies = Object.keys(pkgJson.peerDependencies || {}) const listOfAllDependencies = [ ...listOfDependencies, ...listOfPeerDependencies, ] const esbuildConfig: Parameters[0] = { entryPoints: [path.join(pathToPackage, 'src/index.ts')], bundle: true, sourcemap: true, define: definedGlobals, watch, platform: 'neutral', mainFields: ['browser', 'module', 'main'], target: ['firefox57', 'chrome58'], conditions: ['browser', 'node'], plugins: [ externalPlugin([ // if a dependency is listed in the package.json, it should be external => new RegExp(`^${d}`)), ]), ], } await build({ ...esbuildConfig, outfile: path.join(pathToPackage, 'dist/index.js'), format: 'cjs', }) // build({ // ...esbuildConfig, // outfile: path.join(pathToPackage, 'dist/index.mjs'), // format: 'esm', // }) } void createBundles(false)