import {readdirSync, readFileSync, statSync, writeFileSync} from 'fs' import {writeFile, readFile} from 'fs/promises' import path from 'path' import type {BuildOptions} from 'esbuild' import esbuild from 'esbuild' import {definedGlobals} from '../../../theatre/devEnv/definedGlobals' import {mapValues} from 'lodash-es' import React from 'react' import {renderToStaticMarkup} from 'react-dom/server' import {ServerStyleSheet} from 'styled-components' import {PlaygroundPage} from './home/PlaygroundPage' import {timer} from './timer' import {openForOS} from './openForOS' import {tryMultiplePorts} from './tryMultiplePorts' import {createProxyServer} from './createProxyServer' import {createEsbuildLiveReloadTools} from './createEsbuildLiveReloadTools' import {createServerForceClose} from './createServerForceClose' const playgroundDir = (folder: string) => path.join(__dirname, '..', folder) const buildDir = playgroundDir('build') const srcDir = playgroundDir('src') const sharedDir = playgroundDir('src/shared') const personalDir = playgroundDir('src/personal') const testDir = playgroundDir('src/tests') export async function start(options: { dev: boolean findAvailablePort: boolean openBrowser: boolean waitBeforeStartingServer?: Promise /** defaults to 8080 */ defaultPort?: number }): Promise<{stop(): Promise}> { const defaultPort = options.defaultPort ?? 8080 const liveReload = ? createEsbuildLiveReloadTools() : undefined type PlaygroundExample = { useHtml?: string entryFilePath: string outDir: string } type Groups = { [group: string]: { [module: string]: PlaygroundExample } } // Collect all entry directories per module per group const groups: Groups = Object.fromEntries( [sharedDir, personalDir, testDir] .map((groupDir) => { try { return [ path.basename(groupDir), Object.fromEntries( readdirSync(groupDir) .map( (moduleDirName): [string, PlaygroundExample | undefined] => { const entryKey = path.basename(moduleDirName) const entryFilePath = path.join( groupDir, moduleDirName, 'index.tsx', ) if (!tryOrUndefined(() => statSync(entryFilePath).isFile())) return [entryKey, undefined] return [ entryKey, { // Including your own html file for playground is an experimental feature, // it's not quite ready for "prime time" and advertising to the masses until // it properly handles file watching. // It's good for now, since we can use it for some demos, just make sure that // you add a comment to the custom index.html file saying that you have to // restart playground server entirely to see changes. useHtml: tryOrUndefined(() => readFileSync( path.join(groupDir, moduleDirName, 'index.html'), 'utf-8', ), ), entryFilePath, outDir: path.join( buildDir, path.basename(groupDir), moduleDirName, ), }, ] }, ) .filter((entry) => entry[1] !== undefined), ), ] } catch (e) { // If the group dir doesn't exist, we just set its entry to undefined return [path.basename(groupDir), undefined] } }) // and then filter it out. .filter((entry) => entry[1] !== undefined), ) // Collect all entry files const entryPoints = Object.values(groups) .flatMap((group) => Object.values(group)) .map((module) => module.entryFilePath) // Collect all output directories const outModules = Object.values(groups).flatMap((group) => Object.values(group), ) // Render home page contents const homeHtml = (() => { const sheet = new ServerStyleSheet() try { const html = renderToStaticMarkup( sheet.collectStyles( React.createElement(PlaygroundPage, { groups: mapValues(groups, (group) => Object.keys(group)), }), ), ) const styleTags = sheet.getStyleTags() // or sheet.getStyleElement(); sheet.seal() return { head: styleTags, html, } } catch (error) { // handle error console.error(error) sheet.seal() process.exit(1) } })() const _initialBuild = timer('esbuild initial playground entry point builds') const esbuildConfig: BuildOptions = { entryPoints, bundle: true, sourcemap: true, outdir: buildDir, target: ['firefox88'], loader: { '.png': 'file', '.glb': 'file', '.gltf': 'file', '.svg': 'dataurl', }, define: { ...definedGlobals, 'window.__IS_VISUAL_REGRESSION_TESTING': 'true', }, banner: liveReload?.esbuildBanner, watch: liveReload?.esbuildWatch && { onRebuild(error, result) { esbuildWatchStop = result?.stop ?? esbuildWatchStop liveReload?.esbuildWatch.onRebuild?.(error, result) }, }, plugins: [ { name: 'watch playground assets', setup(build) { build.onStart(() => {}) build.onLoad( { filter: /index\.tsx?$/, }, (loadFile) => { const indexHtmlPath = loadFile.path.replace( /index\.tsx?$/, 'index.html', ) const relToSrc = path.relative(srcDir, indexHtmlPath) const isInSrcFolder = !relToSrc.startsWith('..') if (isInSrcFolder) { const newHtml = tryOrUndefined(() => readFileSync(indexHtmlPath, 'utf-8'), ) if (newHtml) { writeFileSync( path.resolve(buildDir, relToSrc), newHtml.replace( /<\/body>/, ``, ), ) } return { watchFiles: [indexHtmlPath], } } }, ) }, }, ], } let esbuildWatchStop: undefined | (() => void) await esbuild .build(esbuildConfig) .finally(() => _initialBuild.stop()) .catch((err) => { // if in dev mode, permit continuing to watch even if there was an error return ? Promise.resolve() : Promise.reject(err) }) .then(async (buildResult) => { esbuildWatchStop = buildResult?.stop // Read index.html template const index = await readFile(path.join(__dirname, 'index.html'), 'utf8') await Promise.all([ // Write home page writeFile( path.join(buildDir, 'index.html'), index .replace(/<\/head>/, `${homeHtml.head}<\/head>`) .replace(//, `${homeHtml.html}`), 'utf-8', ), // Write module pages => writeFile( path.join(outModule.outDir, 'index.html'), // Insert the script (outModule.useHtml ?? index).replace( /<\/body>/, ``, ), 'utf-8', ), ), ]) }) .catch((err) => { console.error(err) return process.exit(1) }) // Only start dev server in dev, otherwise just run build and that's it if (! { return { stop() { esbuildWatchStop?.() return Promise.resolve() }, } } await options.waitBeforeStartingServer // We start ESBuild serve with no build config because it doesn't need to build // anything, we are already using ESBuild watch. /** See */ const esbuildServe = await esbuild.serve({servedir: buildDir}, {}) const proxyServer = createProxyServer(liveReload?.handleRequest, { hostname: '', port: esbuildServe.port, }) const proxyForceExit = createServerForceClose(proxyServer) const portTries = options.findAvailablePort ? 10 : 1 const portChosen = await tryMultiplePorts(defaultPort, portTries, proxyServer) const hostedAt = `http://localhost:${portChosen}` console.log('Playground running at', hostedAt) if (options.openBrowser) { setTimeout(() => { if (!liveReload?.hasOpenConnections()) openForOS(hostedAt) }, 1000) } return { stop() { esbuildServe.stop() esbuildWatchStop?.() return Promise.all([proxyForceExit(), esbuildServe.wait]).then(() => { // map to void for type defs }) }, } } function tryOrUndefined(fn: () => T): T | undefined { try { return fn() } catch (err) { return undefined } }