import type {IDerivation} from '@theatre/dataverse' import {Box} from '@theatre/dataverse' import {prism, val} from '@theatre/dataverse' import {findIndex} from 'lodash-es' import queueMicrotask from 'queue-microtask' import { useCallback, useEffect, useLayoutEffect, useMemo, useRef, useState, } from 'react' import {unstable_batchedUpdates} from 'react-dom' type $IntentionalAny = any type VoidFn = () => void const logger = {log: console.log} function useForceUpdate(debugLabel?: string) { const [, setTick] = useState(0) const update = useCallback(() => { if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' && debugLabel) logger.log(debugLabel, 'forceUpdate', {trace: new Error()}) setTick((tick) => tick + 1) }, []) return update } export function usePrism( fn: () => T, deps: unknown[], debugLabel?: string, ): T { const fnAsCallback = useCallback(fn, deps) const boxRef = useRef>(null as $IntentionalAny) if (!boxRef.current) { boxRef.current = new Box(fnAsCallback) } else { boxRef.current.set(fnAsCallback) } const derivation = useMemo( () => prism(() => { const fn = boxRef.current.derivation.getValue() return fn() }), [], ) return useDerivation(derivation, debugLabel) } export const useVal: typeof val = (p: $IntentionalAny, debugLabel?: string) => { return usePrism(() => val(p), [p], debugLabel) } /** * Each usePrism() call is assigned an `order`. Parents have a smaller * order than their children, and so on. */ let lastOrder = 0 /** * A sorted array of derivations that need to be refreshed. The derivations are sorted * by their order, which means a parent derivation always gets priority to children * and descendents. Ie. we refresh the derivations top to bottom. */ const queue: QueueItem[] = [] const setOfQueuedItems = new Set() type QueueItem = { order: number /** * runUpdate() is the equivalent of a forceUpdate() call. */ runUpdate: VoidFn debugLabel?: string } let microtaskIsQueued = false const pushToQueue = (item: QueueItem) => { _pushToQueue(item) queueIfNeeded() } const _pushToQueue = (item: QueueItem) => { if (setOfQueuedItems.has(item)) return setOfQueuedItems.add(item) if (queue.length === 0) { queue.push(item) } else { const index = findIndex( queue, (existingItem) => existingItem.order >= item.order, ) if (index === -1) { queue.push(item) } else { const right = queue[index] if (right.order > item.order) { queue.splice(index, 0, item) } } } } const removeFromQueue = (item: QueueItem) => { if (!setOfQueuedItems.has(item)) return setOfQueuedItems.delete(item) const index = findIndex(queue, (o) => o === item) queue.splice(index, 1) } function queueIfNeeded() { if (!microtaskIsQueued) { microtaskIsQueued = true queueMicrotask(() => { let i = 0 while (queue.length > 0) { i++ if (i === 4) { // react might be skipping updates, perhaps in concurrent mode. //we can recheck the queue later setTimeout(queueIfNeeded, 1) break } unstable_batchedUpdates(() => { for (const item of queue) { item.runUpdate() } }, 1) } microtaskIsQueued = false }) } } /** * @remarks * It looks like this new implementation of useDerivation() manages to: * 1. Not over-calculate the derivations * 2. Render derivation in ancestor -> descendent order * 3. Not set off React's concurrent mode alarms * * It works like an implementation of Dataverse's Ticker, except that it runs * the side effects in an order where a component's derivation is guaranteed * to run before any of its descendents' derivations. * * I'm happy with how little bookkeeping we ended up doing here. */ function useDerivation(der: IDerivation, debugLabel?: string): T { const _forceUpdate = useForceUpdate(debugLabel) const refs = useRef<{queueItem: QueueItem; unmounted: boolean}>( undefined as $IntentionalAny, ) if (!refs.current) { lastOrder++ refs.current = { queueItem: { debugLabel, order: lastOrder, runUpdate: () => { if (!refs.current.unmounted) { _forceUpdate() } }, }, unmounted: false, } } const queueUpdate = useCallback(() => { pushToQueue(refs.current.queueItem) }, []) useLayoutEffect(() => { const untap = der.changesWithoutValues().tap(() => { queueUpdate() }) if (lastValueRef.current !== der.getValue()) { queueUpdate() } return untap }, [der]) useLayoutEffect(() => { return function onUnmount() { refs.current.unmounted = true removeFromQueue(refs.current.queueItem) } }, []) const lastValueRef = useRef(undefined as $IntentionalAny as T) const queueItem = refs.current.queueItem // we defer refreshing our derivation if: const mustDefer = // we are actually queued to refresh setOfQueuedItems.has(queueItem) && // but it's not our turn yet queue[0] !== refs.current.queueItem if (!mustDefer) { removeFromQueue(queueItem) lastValueRef.current = der.getValue() } else { // if it's not our turn, we return the last cached value, // which react will actually drop, because the microtask // queue will make sure to forceUpdate() us before react // flushes to DOM. } return lastValueRef.current } /** * This makes sure the prism derivation remains hot as long as the * component calling the hook is alive, but it does not * return the value of the derivation, and it does not * re-render the component if the value of the derivation changes. * * Use this hook if you plan to read a derivation in a * useEffect() call, without the derivation causing your * element to re-render. */ export function usePrismWithoutReRender( fn: () => T, deps: unknown[], ): IDerivation { const derivation = useMemo(() => prism(fn), deps) return useDerivationWithoutReRender(derivation) } /** * This makes sure the derivation remains hot as long as the * component calling the hook is alive, but it does not * return the value of the derivation, and it does not * re-render the component if the value of the derivation changes. */ export function useDerivationWithoutReRender( der: IDerivation, ): IDerivation { useEffect(() => { const untap = der.keepHot() return () => { untap() } }, [der]) return der }