import path from 'path' import {writeFileSync} from 'fs' /** * This script publishes all packages to npm. * * It assigns the same version number to all packages (like lerna's fixed mode). **/ // It's written in .mjs because I kept running into issues with zx+typescript ;(async function () { // our packages will check for this env variable to make sure their // prepublish script is only called from the `$ cd /path/to/monorepo; yarn run deploy` process.env.THEATRE_IS_PUBLISHING = true await $`yarn run typecheck` syncVersionNumbers() return await Promise.all( [ 'theatre', '@theatre/dataverse', '@theatre/dataverse-react', '@theatre/plugin-r3f', ].map((workspace) => $`yarn workspace ${workspace} run build`), ) await Promise.all( [ '@theatre/core', '@theatre/studio', '@theatre/dataverse', '@theatre/dataverse-react', '@theatre/plugin-r3f', ].map( (workspace) => $`yarn workspace ${workspace} npm publish --access public`, ), ) })() function syncVersionNumbers() { /** * All these packages will have the same version from monorepo/package.json */ const workspaces = [ 'theatre', 'theatre/core', 'theatre/studio', 'packages/dataverse', 'packages/dataverse-react', 'packages/plugin-r3f', ] const monorepoVersion = require('../package.json').version console.log( `sync-versions: Setting versions of all packages to ${monorepoVersion}`, ) for (const packagePathRelativeFromRoot of workspaces) { const pathToPackage = path.resolve( __dirname, '../', packagePathRelativeFromRoot, './package.json', ) const original = require(pathToPackage) if (original.version !== monorepoVersion) { console.log(`Setting version of ${} to ${monorepoVersion}`) const newJson = {...original} newJson.version = monorepoVersion writeFileSync( path.join(pathToPackage), JSON.stringify(newJson, undefined, 2), ) } } console.log('sync-versions: Done.') }