This will cause the build to fail, as this will catch an SSR issue, which will be fixed after merging #369
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// @cspotcode/zx is zx in CommonJS
import {$, cd, path} from '@cspotcode/zx'
import {chromium, devices} from 'playwright'
$.verbose = true
const PATH_TO_PACKAGE = path.join(__dirname, `./package`)
describe(`next / production`, () => {
test(`\`$ next build\` should succeed and have a predictable output`, async () => {
const {exitCode, stdout} = await $`npm run build`
// at this point, the build should have succeeded
// now let's check the output to make sure it's what we expect
// all of stdout until the line that contains "Route (pages)". That's because what comes after that
// line is a list of all the pages that were built, and we don't want to snapshot that because it changes every time.
const stdoutUntilRoutePages = stdout.split(`Route (pages)`)[0]
// This test will fail if `next build` outputs anything unexpected.
// this test is not ready yet, so we'll skip it
describe.skip(`$ next start`, () => {
let browser, page
beforeAll(async () => {
browser = await chromium.launch()
afterAll(async () => {
await browser.close()
beforeEach(async () => {
page = await browser.newPage()
afterEach(async () => {
await page.close()
// just a random port I'm hoping is free everywhere.
const port = 30978
test('`$ next start` serves the app, and the app works', async () => {
// run the production server but don't wait for it to finish
const p = $`npm run start -- --port ${port}`
// await p
try {
page.on('console', (msg) => console.log('PAGE LOG:', msg.text()))
await page.goto(`http://localhost:${port}`)
// wait three seconds
await page.waitForTimeout(3000)
} finally {
try {
await p
} catch (e) {
if (e.signal !== 'SIGKILL' && e.signal !== 'SIGTERM') {
throw e