hardcoded filepath watch out, also it automatically starts playing and the fft visualisation shows only one file
573 lines
30 KiB
573 lines
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{{{ SCRIPT }}}
<div id="content">
<div id="layer_panel" class="panel">
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<button id="midi_open">midi</button>
<button id="hide_ui">hide ui</button>
<button id="exporter_open">export</button>
<button id="upload_audio">upload audiofile</button>
<button id="save_project" onclick="window.tp.downloadProject()">save project</button>
<button id="open_project" onclick="window.tp.uploadProject(true)">open project</button>
<button id="start_new_project" onclick="window.tp.startNewProject()">start new project</button>
<!--<button id="debug_profiling" onclick="window.toggleProfiling()">debug start profiling</button>-->
<div id="exporter">
<div class="exporterChild">
<p id="exporter_close">close</p>
<!--<video id="player" controls></video>-->
<div class="exporter_options_buttons">
<div id="exporter_options">
<div class="exporter_options_child">
<div class="options_cont">
<p class="options_title">Working resolution:</p>
<div class="options">
<p class="artboard_width"></p>
<p class="artboard_height"></p>
<p class="artboard_pixelDensity"></p>
<div class="options_cont">
<p class="options_title">Render options (to be adjusted):</p>
<div class="options adjustable">
<label id="artboard_scale_label" for="artboard_scale"></label>
<input type="number" id="artboard_scale" name="artboard_scale" value="1.0" min="0.01" max="8.0" step="0.01" />
<label id="render_timescale_label" for="render_timescale"></label>
<input type="number" id="render_timescale" name="render_timescale" value="1.0" min="0.01" max="8.0" step="0.01" />
<div class="options_cont">
<p class="options_title">Render output values:</p>
<div class="options">
<p class="render_width"></p>
<p class="render_height"></p>
<p class="render_pixels"></p>
<p class="render_length"></p>
<div class="exporter_dimension_warning">
The artboard is too large to render as mp4.* You can still render into a zipfile with still frames. You can convert these into a video with ffmpeg, <a href="https://support.apple.com/guide/quicktime-player/create-a-movie-with-an-image-sequence-qtp315cce984/mac">QuickTime</a> or a Video Editor of your choice.<br><br>* To render as mp4, please scale the artboard dimensions until the render dimensions do not exceed a total of 2.073.600 (1920 * 1080) pixels.
<div class="exportButtonsCont">
<button id="exporter_button_zip" onclick="window.renderFrames('zip')">render frames</button>
<button id="exporter_button_mp4" onclick="window.renderFrames('mp4')">render mp4</button>
<!--<button onclick="window.debugProfile()">debug profile</button>-->
<div id="exporter_render_info"><p>Please keep tab open while rendering</p></div>
<p id="export_progress_task">Progress:</p>
<p id="export_progress">|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|</p>
<!-- EXPORT END -->
<div id="notice">
<div class="content">
<div class="what"><p></p></div>
<div class="details"><p></p></div>
<div id="notice_recording">
<div class="content">
<div class="what"><p>recording</p></div>
<div class="details"><p>please wait</p></div>
<!-- MIDI BEGIN -->
<div id="midiController">
<div class="midiMessages"></div>
<div class="inputs"></div>
<div class="outputs"></div>
<div class="buttons">
<!-- MIDI END -->
<!-- ABOUT BEGIN -->
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<a class="button-overlay" href="https://gitlab.com/pointerstudio" target="_blank">
<a class="button-overlay" href="https://www.instagram.com/variablelab" target="_blank">ig↗</a>
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<div class="button-overlay about" onclick="showAbout()">
<div class="overlay-text-cont hidden" id="overlay-text-cont">
<div class="overlay-text">
<div class="vt-title">
variable time*
<div class="about-text">
<!-- <p>Variable Time is a tool for working with variable text in motion and states of transition.</p>
<p>It is developed by artist duo and creative coders studio Pointer*<a class="button-overlay link-in-text first-link" href="https://pointer.click" target="_blank">web↗</a><a class="button-overlay link-in-text" href="https://instagram.com/pointer_studio" target="_blank">ig↗</a> in collaboration with type designer Céline Hurka<a class="button-overlay link-in-text first-link" href="https://celine-hurka.com" target="_blank">web↗</a><a class="button-overlay link-in-text" href="https://www.instagram.com/celinehurka" target="_blank">ig↗</a>. Variable Time is a personal project, which is a part of Variable Lab<a class="button-overlay link-in-text first-link" href="https://variablelab.pointer.click" target="_blank">web↗</a><a class="button-overlay link-in-text" href="https://www.instagram.com/variablelab" target="_blank">ig↗</a> - a series of technical, typographic, visual and theoretical exchanges between studio Pointer*, Celine Hurka and their various collaborators. The toolset of Variable Time will be growing with new experimental features alongside their ongoing research.</p> -->
<div class="textParent aboutParent">
<p>Variable Time is an open-source tool for working with typography in motion and states of transition.</p>
<p>It is developed by artist duo and creative coders studio Pointer<a class="button-overlay link-in-text first-link" href="https://pointer.click" target="_blank">WEB↗</a><a class="button-overlay link-in-text" href="https://instagram.com/pointer_studio" target="_blank">IG↗</a>in collaboration with type designer Céline Hurka<a class="button-overlay link-in-text first-link" href="https://celine-hurka.com" target="_blank">WEB↗</a><a class="button-overlay link-in-text" href="https://www.instagram.com/celinehurka" target="_blank">IG↗</a>. Variable Time is an ongoing personal exploration, driven by their fascination with variable font formats and their potential impact on the future of verbal and non-verbal communication. This tool is one of the first and foundational projects of Variable Lab<a class="button-overlay link-in-text first-link" href="https://variablelab.pointer.click" target="_blank">WEB↗</a><a class="button-overlay link-in-text" href="https://www.instagram.com/variablelab" target="_blank">IG↗</a>– a series of technical, typographic, visual and theoretical exchanges between studio Pointer and Céline Hurka. The Variable Time toolkit is designed to evolve in parallel with their ongoing research, continuously expanding with new experimental controls and features.</p>
<div class="textParent toExtend">
<h4>Current Version <button class="expandText">+</button></h4>
<div class="expanded">
<p>This is the first released version of Variable Time. It is an ongoing project for which we have many future plans and improvements.</p>
<p>Due to the way we approached font rendering, a lot of seemingly standard functionalities had to be rebuild from scratch. This gives us a lot of freedom and offers new ways in which we can approach working with typography, however it also means that some things might take longer to develop.</p>
<p>The current version of the tool only supports a basic Latin character set - so A-Z, 1-9 and punctuation. Extending it with other languages and alternates is on our priority list as well and will hopefully be possible in the upcoming versions.</p>
<p>Kerning. There are multiple ways of storing and reading Kerning tables, and we currently only support one of them. Supporting more sophisticated kerning is also on our priority list.</p>
<p>Apart from that we have exciting plans for the toolkit of Variable Time. Among other things, we are already working on addons that would allow controlling parameters with sound, recording changes live and linking sequences to more types of automated inputs.</p>
<div class="instructions">
<!-- <h4>How to use - (extremely) brief intro: </h4> -->
<div class="textParent toExtend">
<h4>Layers <button class="expandText">+</button></h4>
<div class="expanded">
<p>Variable Time allows to design and export time-based typography with an unlimited amount of layers. You can create, remove, duplicate and select layers through the overview panel in the left top corner. </p>
<video muted autoplay controls=0 loop>
<source src="/web/assets/addlayer.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<p>This is fallback content to display for user agents that do not support the video tag.</p>
<div class="textParent toExtend">
<h4>Panel <button class="expandText">+</button></h4>
<div class="expanded">
<p>The panel of Variable Time consists of a number of modifiable parameters. You can adjust these parameters per layer. You can also change the settings of an artboard through the panel if artboard is selected.</p>
<video muted autoplay controls=0 loop>
<source src="/web/assets/props.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<p>This is fallback content to display for user agents that do not support the video tag.</p>
<div class="textParent toExtend">
<h4>Sequence <button class="expandText">+</button></h4>
<div class="expanded">
<p>You can create a new sequence per each modifiable parameter in the panel by clicking on the keyframe (diamond) button on its left. This will create an empty sequence. For adding a keyframe, drag the time indicator to the right place and click on the same keyframe button again.</p>
<video muted autoplay controls=0 loop>
<source src="/web/assets/sequenceprop.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<p>This is fallback content to display for user agents that do not support the video tag.</p>
<video muted autoplay controls=0 loop>
<source src="/web/assets/addkeyframes.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<p>This is fallback content to display for user agents that do not support the video tag.</p>
You can change the duration of a sequence by dragging its right edge in the sequence panel.</p>
<video muted autoplay controls=0 loop>
<source src="/web/assets/changeduration.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<p>This is fallback content to display for user agents that do not support the video tag.</p>
<p>Selecting multiple keyframes is possible by pressing and holding SHIFT key and dragging the mouse over the keyframes.</p>
<video muted autoplay controls=0 loop>
<source src="/web/assets/selectkeyframes.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<p>This is fallback content to display for user agents that do not support the video tag.</p>
<p>The easing style can be seen by clicking on the curves button next to the name of sequenced parameter. You can select different easing functions by selecting keyframes and clicking on the timeline in-between them.</p>
<video muted autoplay controls=0 loop>
<source src="/web/assets/showeasing.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<p>This is fallback content to display for user agents that do not support the video tag.</p>
<video muted autoplay controls=0 loop>
<source src="/web/assets/changeeasing.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<p>This is fallback content to display for user agents that do not support the video tag.</p>
<div class="textParent toExtend">
<h4>Letter Delays <button class="expandText">+</button></h4>
<div class="expanded">
<p>When a parameter is sequenced, a new feature appears in the panel - letter delays. This feature applies animations to each letter with a given delay time. The delay time can differ per each animated parameter.</p>
<video muted autoplay controls=0 loop>
<source src="/web/assets/letter-delays.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<p>This is fallback content to display for user agents that do not support the video tag.</p>
<div class="textParent toExtend">
<h4>Export <button class="expandText">+</button></h4>
<div class="expanded">
<p>Variable Time allows exporting video in mp4 format and static frames. At this step it is also possible to scale the output file resolution and apply time stretch - so make your output speed slower or faster proportionally.*</p>
<p class="note">* Please keep in mind that rendering in mp4 has limits in resolution, however there is (almost) no limit in rendering frames (which you can easily convert to video with the help of various external tools).</p>
<div class="textParent toExtend">
<h4>Typefaces <button class="expandText">+</button></h4>
<div class="expanded">
<p>Variable Time features experimental variable fonts designed by Céline Hurka<a class="button-overlay link-in-text first-link" href="https://celine-hurka.com" target="_blank">WEB↗</a><a class="button-overlay link-in-text" href="https://www.instagram.com/celinehurka" target="_blank">IG↗</a> and Jacob Wise<a class="button-overlay link-in-text first-link" href="https://wisetype.nl" target="_blank">WEB↗</a><a class="button-overlay link-in-text first-link" href="https://www.instagram.com/wise_type" target="_blank">IG↗</a>. These typefaces can be used freely to explore the tool or to be used for personal non-commercial projects made with the tool. If you want to use them for commercial or client work, or if you are not sure if your case applies, please reach out to Céline Hurka and/or Jacob Wise to discuss the possibilities. </p>
<p>Currently, Tonka, the Version collection and Zaft2 are included. Tonka is available on celine-hurka.com<a class="button-overlay link-in-text first-link" href="https://celine-hurka.com/tonka/" target="_blank">WEB↗</a>. Version is Céline Hurka’s Type and Media graduation project and has not been published anywhere else yet. Zaft2 is a collaborative project by Céline Hurka and Jacob Wise and is available on wisetype.nl<a class="button-overlay link-in-text first-link" href="https://wisetype.nl/collections/wt-zaft-2" target="_blank">WEB↗</a> since 2021.</p>
<div class="textParent toExtend">
<h4>Used frameworks <button class="expandText">+</button></h4>
<div class="expanded">
<p>Variable Time is built up on other open source libraries, such as openFrameworks<a class="button-overlay link-in-text first-link" href="https://www.openframeworks.cc/" target="_blank">WEB↗</a>, FreeType<a class="button-overlay link-in-text first-link" href="https://www.freetype.org/" target="_blank">WEB↗</a>, Theatre.js<a class="button-overlay link-in-text first-link" href="https://www.theatrejs.com/" target="_blank">WEB↗</a>, FFmpeg<a class="button-overlay link-in-text first-link" href="https://www.ffmpeg.org/" target="_blank">WEB↗</a> and more. For a detailed list, please visit the Variable Time source code.</p>
<div class="textParent toExtend">
<h4>Donate <button class="expandText">+</button></h4>
<div class="expanded">
<p>Variable Time is completely free of charge and brings us no commercial profit. A donation of any size would help us to dedicate more time and effort to expanding its toolkit and fixing bugs. ❤️ </p>
<a class="button-overlay" href="https://opencollective.com/variable-time" target="_blank">DONATE↗</a>
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<div class="links">
<a class="button-overlay" href="https://git.pointer.click/variablelab/variabletime" target="_blank">
<a class="button-overlay" href="https://www.instagram.com/variablelab" target="_blank">ig↗</a>
<a class="button-overlay" href="mailto:variabletime@pointer.click" target="_blank">EMAIL↗</a>
<div class="logos">
<p class="contact_us">
We would be excited to see what you make with Variable Time! Feel free to share your visuals with us via <a class="button-overlay link-in-text first-link" href="mailto:variabletime@pointer.click" target="_blank">EMAIL↗</a><br>
<p>This project is made possible thanks to support from Stimuleringsfonds</p>
<img src="/web/assets/SCI_Woordbeeld_EN_3_regels_RGB.gif" />
<!-- ABOUT END -->
<div id="timeline"><div id="timeline_head"></div><div>
<!-- AUDIO BEGIN -->
<div class="audioWrapper">
<canvas class="visualizer" width="640" height="100"></canvas>
<form class="controls">
<label for="voice">Voice setting</label>
<select id="voice" name="voice">
<option value="distortion">Distortion</option>
<option value="convolver">Reverb</option>
<option value="biquad">Bass Boost</option>
<option value="delay">Echo Delay</option>
<option value="off" selected>Off</option>
<label for="visual">Visualizer setting</label>
<select id="visual" name="visual">
<option value="sinewave">Sinewave</option>
<option value="frequencybars" selected>Frequency bars</option>
<option value="off">Off</option>
<a class="mute">Mute</a>
<!-- AUDIO END -->
<script id="ffmpeg.min.js" type="application/javascript" src="/web/ffmpeg_modules/ffmpeg.min.js"></script>
<!-- EXPORT END -->
<script type="module" src="/web/js/main.js"> </script>