2023-08-10 13:31:54 +02:00

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# @theatre/dataverse
The animation-optimized FRP library powering the internals of Theatre.js.
## Table of contents
### Namespaces
- [prism](modules/
### Classes
- [Atom](classes/
- [PointerProxy](classes/
- [Ticker](classes/
### Interfaces
- [PointerToPrismProvider](interfaces/
- [Prism](interfaces/
### Type Aliases
- [Pointer](
- [PointerMeta](
- [PointerType](
### Functions
- [getPointerParts](
- [isPointer](
- [isPrism](
- [iterateAndCountTicks](
- [iterateOver](
- [pointer](
- [pointerToPrism](
- [prism](
- [val](
## Type Aliases
### Pointer
Ƭ **Pointer**<`O`\>: [`PointerType`](<`O`\> & `PointerInner`<`Exclude`<`O`, `undefined`\>, `undefined` extends `O` ? `undefined` : `never`\>
The type of [Atom](classes/ pointers. See [pointer()]( for an
explanation of pointers.
The Pointer type is quite tricky because it doesn't play well with `any` and other inexact types.
Here is an example that one would expect to work, but currently doesn't:
declare function expectAnyPointer(pointer: Pointer<any>): void
expectAnyPointer(null as Pointer<{}>) // this shows as a type error because Pointer<{}> is not assignable to Pointer<any>, even though it should
The current solution is to just avoid using `any` with pointer-related code (or type-test it well).
But if you enjoy solving typescript puzzles, consider fixing this :)
Potentially, [TypeScript variance annotations in 4.7+](
might be able to help us.
#### Type parameters
| Name |
| :------ |
| `O` |
#### Defined in
### PointerMeta
Ƭ **PointerMeta**: `Object`
#### Type declaration
| Name | Type |
| :------ | :------ |
| `path` | (`string` \| `number`)[] |
| `root` | {} |
#### Defined in
### PointerType
Ƭ **PointerType**<`O`\>: `Object`
A wrapper type for the type a `Pointer` points to.
#### Type parameters
| Name |
| :------ |
| `O` |
#### Type declaration
| Name | Type | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `$$__pointer_type` | `O` | Only accessible via the type system. This is a helper for getting the underlying pointer type via the type space. |
#### Defined in
## Functions
### getPointerParts
**getPointerParts**<`_`\>(`p`): `Object`
Returns the root object and the path of the pointer.
#### Type parameters
| Name |
| :------ |
| `_` |
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `p` | [`Pointer`](<`_`\> | The pointer. |
#### Returns
An object with two properties: `root`-the root object or the pointer, and `path`-the path of the pointer. `path` is an array of the property-chain.
| Name | Type |
| :------ | :------ |
| `path` | `PathToProp` |
| `root` | {} |
const {root, path} = getPointerParts(pointer)
#### Defined in
### isPointer
**isPointer**(`p`): p is Pointer<unknown\>
Returns whether `p` is a pointer.
#### Parameters
| Name | Type |
| :------ | :------ |
| `p` | `any` |
#### Returns
p is Pointer<unknown\>
#### Defined in
### isPrism
**isPrism**(`d`): d is Prism<unknown\>
Returns whether `d` is a prism.
#### Parameters
| Name | Type |
| :------ | :------ |
| `d` | `any` |
#### Returns
d is Prism<unknown\>
#### Defined in
### iterateAndCountTicks
**iterateAndCountTicks**<`V`\>(`pointerOrPrism`): `Generator`<{ `ticks`: `number` ; `value`: `V` }, `void`, `void`\>
#### Type parameters
| Name |
| :------ |
| `V` |
#### Parameters
| Name | Type |
| :------ | :------ |
| `pointerOrPrism` | [`Prism`](interfaces/<`V`\> \| [`Pointer`](<`V`\> |
#### Returns
`Generator`<{ `ticks`: `number` ; `value`: `V` }, `void`, `void`\>
#### Defined in
### iterateOver
**iterateOver**<`V`\>(`pointerOrPrism`): `Generator`<`V`, `void`, `void`\>
#### Type parameters
| Name |
| :------ |
| `V` |
#### Parameters
| Name | Type |
| :------ | :------ |
| `pointerOrPrism` | [`Prism`](interfaces/<`V`\> \| [`Pointer`](<`V`\> |
#### Returns
`Generator`<`V`, `void`, `void`\>
#### Defined in
### pointer
**pointer**<`O`\>(`args`): [`Pointer`](<`O`\>
Creates a pointer to a (nested) property of an [Atom](classes/
#### Type parameters
| Name | Description |
| :------ | :------ |
| `O` | The type of the value being pointed to. |
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `args` | `Object` | The pointer parameters. |
| `args.path?` | (`string` \| `number`)[] | - |
| `args.root` | `Object` | - |
#### Returns
Pointers are used to make prisms of properties or nested properties of
Pointers also allow easy construction of new pointers pointing to nested members
of the root object, by simply using property chaining. E.g. `somePointer.a.b` will
create a new pointer that has `'a'` and `'b'` added to the path of `somePointer`.
// Here, sum is a prism that updates whenever the a or b prop of someAtom does.
const sum = prism(() => {
return val(pointer({root: someAtom, path: ['a']})) + val(pointer({root: someAtom, path: ['b']}));
// Note, atoms have a convenience Atom.pointer property that points to the root,
// which you would normally use in this situation.
const sum = prism(() => {
return val(someAtom.pointer.a) + val(someAtom.pointer.b);
#### Defined in
### pointerToPrism
**pointerToPrism**<`P`\>(`pointer`): [`Prism`](interfaces/<`P` extends [`PointerType`](<`T`\> ? `T` : `void`\>
Returns a prism of the value at the provided pointer. Prisms are
cached per pointer.
#### Type parameters
| Name | Type |
| :------ | :------ |
| `P` | extends [`PointerType`](<`any`\> |
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `pointer` | `P` | The pointer to return the prism at. |
#### Returns
[`Prism`](interfaces/<`P` extends [`PointerType`](<`T`\> ? `T` : `void`\>
#### Defined in
### prism
**prism**<`T`\>(`fn`): [`Prism`](interfaces/<`T`\>
Creates a prism from the passed function that adds all prisms referenced
in it as dependencies, and reruns the function when these change.
#### Type parameters
| Name |
| :------ |
| `T` |
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `fn` | () => `T` | The function to rerun when the prisms referenced in it change. |
#### Returns
#### Defined in
### val
**val**<`P`\>(`input`): `P` extends [`PointerType`](<`T`\> ? `T` : `P` extends [`Prism`](interfaces/<`T`\> ? `T` : `P` extends `undefined` \| ``null`` ? `P` : `unknown`
Convenience function that returns a plain value from its argument, whether it
is a pointer, a prism or a plain value itself.
#### Type parameters
| Name | Type |
| :------ | :------ |
| `P` | extends `undefined` \| ``null`` \| [`Prism`](interfaces/<`any`\> \| [`PointerType`](<`any`\> |
#### Parameters
| Name | Type | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `input` | `P` | The argument to return a value from. |
#### Returns
`P` extends [`PointerType`](<`T`\> ? `T` : `P` extends [`Prism`](interfaces/<`T`\> ? `T` : `P` extends `undefined` \| ``null`` ? `P` : `unknown`
For pointers, the value is returned by first creating a prism, so it is
reactive e.g. when used in a `prism`.
#### Defined in